What are uterine fibroids and polyps?
Uterine fibroids are tissue growths that form a mass in the uterus. Polyps, on the other hand, are bulges of tissue which grow on the uterine ling – otherwise known as the endometrium. Both these growths may multiply and become large or remain relatively small. These growths are usually non-cancerous.
What causes fibroids and polyps?
It is unsure what exactly causes fibroids and polyps to grow, however, it is believed that the female hormones progesterone and estrogen play a role. The following aspects may increase your chances of developing fibroids or polyps:
- During your 30s and 40s developing fibroids is more common. From 40 to 50 years old you are more likely to develop polyps.
- Having a history of uterine fibroids in your family increases your chance of developing fibroids.
- Women who are overweight are at higher risk of developing these growths.
- Women who consume a lot of red meat seem to increase their risk of developing fibroids.
- High blood pressure appears to increase the risk of developing polyps.
What are the symptoms associated with fibroids and polyps?
Although different in structure, these abnormalities often cause the following symptoms:
- Pelvic pain
- Abnormal bleeding
- Painful and heavy periods (Menorrhagia)
- Lower back pain
- Difficult urination
- Recurrent miscarriages or infertility
- Postmenopausal bleeding
- Bleeding after exercise or intercourse
How can fibroids be treated?
These abnormal growths can be detected using ultrasound, and hysteroscopy or even a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans or computerised tomography (CT) if need be.
Depending on size, location and number of the fibroids, as well as whether or not you would like to fall pregnant or not in the future; treatment options may vary. Treatment may include:
- Pain medications to relieve the symptoms
- Birth control to reduce heavy bleeding
- Surgical removal of the fibroids (otherwise known as a myomectomy)
- Uterine artery embolisation surgery in order to cut the blood supply to the growths
- Ultrasound therapy in order to destroy growths
- Hysterectomy
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How can polyps be treated?
Sometimes polyps will disappear without intervention, if not, the treatment options may include:
- Surgical removal of the polyps (otherwise known as a myomectomy)
- Birth control to reduce the symptoms of polyps
Surgical removal of fibroids and polyps is done by Dr Tini using a hysteroscopy which is a minimally invasive surgery where a thin tube with a camera is inserted to view the uterus and find the location of the fibroids or polyps in order to detach and remove them. This surgery requires only a few small holes to operate, meaning the recovery time for the patient is lessened.
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Uterine fibroids are not always painful, and many people may not have any symptoms at all.
Surgery is only considered when conservative medical treatments have failed to improve symptoms and reduce pain.
Maintaining a healthy body weight and having a balanced diet can reduce your chances of developing fibroids. However, in many cases, fibroids are a genetic condition that cannot be avoided.

- Gynaecological Consultations
- Minor Laparoscopic Surgery
- Hysteroscopy
- Sterilisation
- Hysterectomy
- Ovarian Cyst Removal
- Management of Fibroids
- Myomectomy
- Removal of Polyps and Cysts
- Endometrial Ablation

- Obstetric Consultations
- Prenatal Care
- Pregnancy Dating
- Pregnancy Check-up
- Deliveries
- Natural Vaginal Birth and
- Caesarean Sections (C-Section)
- Ultrasounds – 3D and 4D scans